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2-4 players with 1 deck, 4+ with multiple decks

OBJECTIVE: First player to get rid of all their cards, wins!

SET UP: Deal 3 cards face down in front of each player. Deal 6 cards to each player- they may look at these. Each player selects their 3 best cards (special cards first, then highest) to lay face up on top of the 3 cards face down. The other three will remain in the player’s hand.

RANKINGS: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, J, Q, K, A, 2, 7, 10 (2s, 7s, and 10s are all equally the highest cards)

Special Cards can be played at anytime.

7: The Invisible Card – When this card is played, the next player must place a card of higher or equal value that is beneath the 7. For example, if a Queen is played and you do not have a card of higher or equal value, the 7 makes the next player have to beat the Queen.

2: The Reset Card – When this card is played, the pile goes back down to a 2. The player who laid the 2 gets to play a card from their hand to start the next turn.

10: The Exploding Card – When this card is played, the entire pile gets eliminated. The player who laid the 10 gets to play a card from their hand to start the next turn.

PLAY: The first player flips the top card of the draw pile, and has to play a card of equal or higher value. You must always have at least 3 cards or more in your hand, until the draw pile runs out. After your turn, if you have less than 3 cards in your hand, you must draw until you have three OR If you have more than 3 cards in your hand, you do not need to draw.

The next player then places a card of equal or higher value on top of the last played card.

If you cannot play, you must pick up the entire pile and the next player begins play.

If you have multiples of the same number, you can play them together. If all four of the same card are played, the entire pile gets eliminated.

Once all of your cards in your hand have been played, you can move on to the six cards on the table. You must play all of the face up cards first, and then blindly play the last three. If you have to pick up the pile, you must play the cards in your hand before continuing with the blind cards. Once all of your cards (blind and in your hand) are gone, you win!

*If you want, you can play multiple rounds by keeping score of the amount of cards each player had at the end of each round. Every card counts as 1 point. We suggest playing 7 rounds and the person with the lowest score, wins!







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