In February 2017, I was literally cleaning my bathroom floor when my phone lit up with an email notification. I glanced at it and saw it was an email from Anthropologie. I continued cleaning only because I thought it was just a '20% Off Dresses' type of email. The more I thought about it I remembered the subject line said... ARTIST COLLABORATION.
My heart flipped! I could hardly read the email because I was so excited.
This started this incredible journey of creating paintings, sending them to Anthro headquarters, and working on the full collection.
Working with Anthropologie on the Sunscene Melamine Collection was a dream come true. I truly love the products we built together, and will never forget the moment I first saw my work in store.
This was a full circle moment for me because in college I interned under a Display Coordinator for Anthropologie, and worked there as a sales associate, and now my name was on the back of the products. CRAZY!
The full collection includes three dinner plates, three canapé plates, three different sizes of tupperware, a serving bowl, a long thin platter, a chip and dip platter, serving spoons, two coin purses, two pillows, three prints, a dishtowel, and an iPhone case.
PS- Congrats! This really is a dream come true
This is amazing. I loved reading about how it all happened
Do you know if they will do a collaboration with you again?
I loved that collection. Glad I’ve finally found the artist responsible.