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I can feel intimidated to be in such a beautiful place trying to capture it through paint. I've found making small illustrations or thumbnail sketches help me get started.

This trip, I used acrylic and oil on paper to capture the scenes and light around me. I had no boundaries on what I was painting. From the kitchen of our favorite restaurant to the vast Mediterranean landscape, the collection captures it all.  

Once I got into a groove, I was painting like crazy. Moving my easel all over the place, the house was covered in loose pieces of paper half painted. I loved leaning into the chaotic feeling of having all these paintings going at once. 

I hope this collection fills you with memories of your summer travels and the feeling of freedom that comes with jumping into the sea. 


New series, 'Greco Summer' is coming July 13th at 10am EST.

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1 comment

Crystal Erskine

I am at the airport leaving Greece now and received the sneak peek email. Can’t wait to see your art!

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